July 2, 2022

Harmonia is raiding the kitchen for food.

Cerberus enters! Landing on the ground next to Harmonia, on his back. He looks up at her and whines like a puppy.

"What do you want, horny bitch?" She says in a sweet voice like one would use with a dog.

"Mean." Afterward he whines more and motions to his mouth.

"You're pathetic." She holds a piece of lunch meat over his head.

His tail wags! Mouth is open expectantly.

"Roll over,” Harmonia says.

"I hate it here."

"Do you want it or not?”

Spider walks in, she heads over to the cupboard and pulls out a bottle of vodka, she then perches on the counter just watching Harmonia and Cerberus.

"Mmm." Cerberus begrudgingly rolls over.

Harmonia giggles and drops the lunch meat on his face.

“Do I wanna know?" Spider asks.

It lands and he starts eating immediately. "No.”

"Good puppy.” Harmonia giggles.

“Do I need to leave you two alone?" Spider chuckles.

"-No!!!" Cerberus says. "And I'm not a good puppy either, I'll CHEW your chair legs."


“Not really doing yourself any favors with that threat,” Spider says.

"Literally how can that be perceived as sexual?" Harmonia says in a semi-pissed-off tone.

Spider rolls her eyes. "I was calling him a puppy you bellend.”

"Woof." Says Cerberus.

Harmonia sighs and grabs a wine bottle out of the fridge and begins chugging.

"So what's up with you then?" Spider looks at Harmonia, opening and sipping her own drink.

"Nothing" She sighs and sets down the wine, looking at the bottle and seeing that it's non-alcoholic. "Fuck."

"Share,” Cerberus says.


"Bollocks, I'll ask again, what's up?" Spider asks.

Cerberus stares at it.

Harmonia also stares at it. "Where the fuck-" She looks at Spider. "It doesn’t matter anyway.”

“Like fuck it don’t, but fine, push me out.” Spider mutters.

Cerberus scoots towards the keg.

Harmonia growls. "Just talking about it won't do anything.”

“So tell me and we can figure it out, I swear it's like pulling teeth with you lot.” Spider mutters the last part.

Cerberus starts EATING the KEG.

Harmonia watches. "Just the usual nothing matters and we're just waiting for some god to fucking kill us type shit."

"Unfortunately that's life.” Spider replies.

"I'm aware which is why there's no point in telling you.”

Aggressive crunching and slurping sounds

"He's gonna destroy my fucking house,” Harmonia says, referring to Cerberus.

“So invest in a spray bottle or a hose.” Spider chuckles.

"No point." Harmonia sighs and drinks more of the virgin wine.


"God, can't even find a religion because I've met gods and they're all fucking dickweeds." Harmonia laughs bitterly.

Spider sighs. "Do you need a hug?"


"So what's with all the doom and gloom bollocks then?" Spider asks. "Cause sure we're in an apocalypse but it's still pretty good, Harm.”

"Just tired of being fucking weak.” She says, swirling the wine bottle a bit.

“You aren't weak,” Spider says.

Harmonia scoffs. "Sure."

"I will fight you. And you aren't, look at all you've been through, with Abaddon and Beelzebub and every single other fucker that has decided you're an easy target.” Spider says. "And do you know what you're doing by thinking like this? You're proving them right when we all know it's bollocks.”

"I've only survived because you all have had to save me or because I got fucking lucky. When have I survived because I saved myself? Never." Harmonia responds.

"You can't really save yourself when you've been crucified. But you did survive it, so you're definitely not weak." Cerberus says.

"I COULDN’T DIE!” Harmonia yells. "That’s because Thrall saved me and fucking made me a demon. I didn't choose to live it was just my biology.”

“And?" Spider asks. “That's a strength Harmonia and when you have one of them you fucking use it, it doesn't make you weak.”

"Even if you couldn't, how does that prove you're weak?" Cerberus asks. "Sure, it's built into you, but all that proves is that you're strong, and have the potential to be stronger."

"That's. not what I'm talking about. " Harmonia growls. "If you all hadn't saved me from being crucified I would've died. I'm fucking dependent on you all and it's stupid."

"Harmonia, it's fine to receive help. Getting help doesn't mean you're weak." Cerberus replies. "You were held down and underwent a medieval torture method not meant to be escaped alone.”

"Lock and Cole were fucking questioning me when I was gonna spar Max, a human, to help him get his anger out because they thought I’d get hurt. That just proves how fucking pathetic I am."

“How does it?" Spider asks.

"They thought I’d lose to a kid without any powers," Harmonia responds.

Kade shrugs. "Fuck 'em. If anything, I'd believe they were prodding at you for the sake of prodding at you."

“Listen, you know how Cole is, he's that overprotective that I'm surprised we all aren't covered in bubble wrap right now, and Lock.. well it's Lock.” Spider sighs.

"You’d all be fine without me in a fight. You're all way more powerful than me. There's just… I'm just a fucking extra.”

"like fuck you are. If anything, we're the extras.” Spider mutters.

"I'm pretty sure I've done nothing in the last fights I was participating in."

Harmonia grabs her horns in frustration. "Whatever. I'm going to go get fucking attacked in the woods or something." She heads to the door and storms outside.

“Give me strength.” Spider growls.


Harmonia enters the woods and tears up, just walking around

Toshiba's also walkin! She spots Harmonia and waves, tilting their head, the TV shifting places due to the imbalance of gravity.

Harmonia wipes her eyes and waves back.

Toshiba walks up to Harmonia. "Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing, how about you?”

"Same, just takin a walk!!" Toshiba pulls some mushrooms from her bag. "I found these if you wanted em!"

"Sure," Harmonia says, voice emotionless.

"What's wrong?" Toshiba asks.


"That's obviously not true.”

"Who cares?”

"Me!" Toshiba exclaims.


"Because you're my friend.”

"It doesn’t matter anyways.” Harmonia replies.

"Yes, it does.”

Harmonia sighs. "It'll just repeat the same conversation I had with Spider"

"Well is there anything I can do to help?" Toshiba asks.

"Probably not."

"Hmm.” Toshiba sits down, gesturing for Harmonia to do the same. "Well… What's something you like?"

Harmonia sits next to him "What does it matter. We're all gonna fucking die…”

"Well obviously, that's kind of a thing that happens to everybody," Toshiba chuckles, "You're funny, anyway answer the question!!!"

"It doesn't matter.”

"Harmonia if you don't answer the question I'm gonna see if you think your shins being intact matters," Toshiba says, sounding like he's smiling.

"Do it," Harmonia says, crossing her arms.

Toshiba blinks. "PLEASEEEEEE-”

"Why?" Harmonia asks.

"Because!!!! I wanna talk to you and you're making it hard!!!" Toshiba exclaims.

Harmonia huffs. "I don't know, I like Legos."

"OK, that's a good start!! What's your favorite set!"

"Hogwarts one I guess…”

"Tell me abt it!!"

"It's a Lego set, what would I tell you about it?”

"Harmonia I've only been alive for two years do you think I know what the fuck a hogwart is."

"It's a fucking castle slash school from Harry Potter,” Harmonia says.

"Ok tell me more I'm curious, what's Harry Potter?”

"A fucking stupid British book series,” Harmonia mutters.

"I see! I hate British people!" Toshiba smiles, leaning back on a tree, "What's it about?"

"British people.”

"Gross!" Toshiba sounds cheery, "Got any other interests?"

Harmonia shrugs.

"C’mon there's gotta be something!" Toshiba exclaims.

"Head’s too full of fucked up thoughts.”


"Wishing I was dead and stupid shit like that.”

"I can relate! Do you have anything you could do to get out of that mindset?" Toshiba asks.

Harmonia shrugs.

"Hmmmmmm........." Toshiba looks around, pausing from the conversation a bit. "Got any songs you like?"

"I dunno. Spend most of my time sleeping nowadays."

"..." Toshiba leans back again, putting her hands in her pockets "I'm just trying to make a connection with you.”

Harmonia folds her arms on her knees and puts her head between her legs and starts crying.

Toshiba looks at her, unable to figure out what to do.

After a bit, Harmonia clips through the ground.
