July 18, 2022

Eerine walks into a large, pristine white cathedral with roses growing on the floor and across the walls. Sunlight beams in from a glass dome at the top, shining on what appears to be... angels? A little girl, maybe about 10, with long white hair and bright blue eyes is hugging a tall woman with long blonde hair and brown eyes. The child has 2 small golden wings for ears and large golden wings on her back. She also has a golden halo behind her head and wears a blue shirt and orange overalls. Her skin is pale and she's quite thin. She's clinging to the woman as if she would leave at any second. The woman is holding her up in the air since she is about 12 feet tall, her blonde hair long and cascading down her back. She has white wing ears and large white wings on her back as well and white roses decorate her hair and cheeks. She wears an elegant green dress and has a look of contentment on her face as she hugs the small girl.

Eerine makes attempts to stay out of vision, though trying to make her way closer slowly.

Neither seems to notice her! Too enveloped in their hug. A sound comes from the girl. Is she... crying? She mumbles something.

Eerine slowly approaches, making sure to catch all of it on the dinky lil camera.

She can see the girl's chest heave. She's definitely crying. Eerine can make out; "I wanna go home... I want you back...."

Eerine tilts her head, slowly becoming more visible to the girl

The girl turns and looks at her. The moment she does the woman disappears and the girl hops to the ground, stepping back from Eerine. "W-who are you- you're not supposed to be here-"

"Are you okay?" Eerine asks, stepping closer.

The girl wipes her eyes. "H-how did you get in here-" She asks, ignoring the question.

"Do you know your name?" Eerine asks.

She nods, holding her arms close to her chest nervously.

"Can you tell me your name?"


Noise comes from inside the nullsuit but Chloe is not able to hear it. "Alright, Chloe, do you think you can come with me? My name is Eerine, myself and some friends just want to ask you some questions."

"C-Can you make everything normal again... I want Sidriel back..." Chloe asks, wide blue eyes full of sorrow.

"...We can try." Eerine holds out a hand.

Chloe reaches out and takes it.

Eerine's grip is firm and comforting. She whispers something into the nullsuit microphone as she begins to walk back to the open Threshold.

Chloe seems extremely nervous but follows.
