December 27, 2022

The creature emerges. The creature walks into the kitchen. It takes a few steps before glancing at the window and being startled. The creature heads outside. The creature passes through the backyard quietly and heads to the woods.

Kade just watches. "What the fuck."

Cole sprints into the woods with a shirt and hands covered with what you can only assume is his own blood, "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-"

Kade just blinks and watches. No comment given.


Cole is in the woods looking for the creature, who's actively avoiding Cole. He finds the tracks made by the creature, and quickly tracks the creature down. He goes to tackle it, but it growls and pushes him away before falling. Isaac is slowly walking to them. The creature tries to get up as fast as it can. Luna is following in the trees.

Cole quickly puts him in a headlock and scurries deeper into the forest. The creature aims a kick back at Cole. Isaac continues a walkin, and Kade is here.. at a DISTANCE. Isaac keep walkin, cuz thats just what he'll do. One of these days he'll walk all over you. Cole steps to the side as he aims a knee at the creature's stomach. The creature is winded as it struggles to stand.

"Hear me out, I'll give you....fuck what do you want?" Cole looks at the creature. The creature goes to sucker punch Cole in the face mid sentence. He uses the same form Cole uses.

Cole groans and lets go, "FUCK, you fucking learned from me!" The creature sprints without paying attention to the direction. The creature rams into Isaac who stays standing. The creature stumbles back some. Cole runs over to the creature and puts his foot on his chest, "Gotcha now, you asshole." The creature is panicking and trying to get up. By now, everyone has reached them. Luna is in the trees ready to kick ass if need be.

"Look, look," Cole leans down slightly, "We had a deal, you stay in the cage and not leave, and I'd occasionally take blood from you."

"I DONT WANT THAT DEAL!" The creature cries. Kade watches from a nice distance.

"That's unfortunate," Cole shakes his head, "Cause you know what?" The creature claws Cole's leg, which bleeds a mixture of blood and coolant as he winces and applies more pressure to it's chest. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The creature keeps clawing. Cole continues to wince as he stomps hard enough to break human bone, "You've forced my hand." Theres a loud crack as the creature freezes in pain. "Now, listen to me and listen to me very clearly." Cole clears his throat as he glares at the creature, "You are fucking replaceable, so I'd suggest just staying in the cage where oh ya'know a fucking bear or divulger can't kill you." Cole chuckles deeply

"Yyoure an i-inhumane machine," the creature sounds on the verge of tears.

Cole's eyes swap to pink as his face stays calm, "And you were made in a fucking petri dish using time magic so really who's more inhuman here?"

"You were only made to kill."

"And? I'm damn good at it" Cole smiles slightly

"So all you want to be is like your father? Just deaths son and watch everyone you love around you die?"

"It's impossible to slow or stop, I have no choice but to watch them slip through my grasp," Cole sighs, "So who's telling you this? Sparrow? Someone else?"

The creature starts to laugh.

"Well whoever this is, is doing a really shitty job considering your chest could become a pancake in two seconds flat." Cole chuckles lightly

"Please I just want to know what the world is like"

"Oh fucking sure you do, I mean clearly the way to do that is through insulting me," Cole glares at the creature

"Like I have any way of knowing how to do it. Cole I'm scared, I'm confused, I dont want to be alone in there anymore, please!"

"I'm still human, could have asked again. Hell, i was thinking about letting you go," Cole chuckles as his foot shifts on his chest, "But then you do this, and oooo, that really changed my god damn mind"

"Nyx told me you were like this once, said you would understand me," the creatures eye water more. Luna mutters the word 'nyx' under her breath.

"Oh I understand you, whether or not I show compassion for someone who just insulted me on a very personal level is a incredibly different story!" Cole smiles

"Please, please just let me go, she asked me to say it- I didnt know"

"Oh? Nyx is feeding you lines?" Cole crosses his arms

"Ii asked her how to get out and she said to call you that-"

"What else did she tell you?" Cole puts a hand in his jacket and fiddles with something

"Sshe said you're Death's son. Said if I broke out and talked enough you would let me go-"

"And how did you learn this? Did she walk in while I was gone?" There's a click from inside of Cole's jacket

"Sshe'd show up at night," it stutters, "She would talk to me before taking blood,,"

"And you didn't tell me because?" Cole raises an eyebrow

"Sshe said nnot to..."

"Ahhh I see, so you followed someone that I actively despise, got it, got it," Cole applies slightly more pressure, "Is she watching right now?"

The creature winces more "-pplease-ii didnt know-i didnt- ii i dont know if she is-"

"Let's hope she is." Cole draws a golden Colt 1911 and puts it at his side, "So let me get this straight, you, while getting your blood taken by a disney cartoon villain, thought it would be a great idea to listen to her and follow what she says."


"That's what they all say." Cole aims at the creature's head and wraps his finger around the trigger. "Final words?"


Cole squints at it. "Hmmm, tell you what." Cole unwraps his finger and puts the gun at his side again, "I'll let you roam around in the room, just don't open any containers or leave and we'll be good."

"Bbut..all ive seen is that room i want to leave, i want to see more"

Kade's a bit frozen in place from where he's at. Cole looks back at the others while thinking.

"Let it roam the house? Like all of what it said, all of the insults, are from Nyx." Luna says. Isaac stares at the creature. Kade when he disappears! Smoke remains. Luna is staring at the crowd from above.

Cole looks back at the creature and fidgets with the gun in his hand, "So, I'll let you roam the house but at night you have to go back in the room."

"And don't put it in a cage damn it." Luna groans.

"Whats the house?" it asks.

"You walked through it to leave, there's a house attached to that room," Cole explains.

Luna hops down from the branch. "Yeah, there's other people there too."

"Why cant I see more than that?"

"Uhhh I mean as long as you're back in Cole's room at night, I don't see why you couldn't leave the house too?" Luna shrugs and looks to Cole.

Cole glances at the gun in his hand then back to the creature as he thinks. It instantly starts rambling, "Nyx told me about deserts and jungles and mountains and cities and towns and people and caves and stars and cookies and grass and trees and fish and goats and bears and horses and kitchens and armagedons and angels and rattlesnakes and frogs-" it keeps going. Luna smiles and nods and flattens her ears and defocuses from it.

She sighs. "Anyway, did Cole give ya a name?"

It keeps going on.

The hand with the Colt is shaking

("it would be so awesome, it would be so cool")

{"Please don't sing in my telepathy channel."}

("have you not seen the koopa video on tick tack")



{"Uhhh do it? Do what?"}

{It would be so awsome itwould be so cool}

{- I hate it here. God damn you Dolos. -}


The rambling continues. It's completely distracted.

"HEY, hey did Nyx teach you about lead?" Cole asks.

"Whatever Cole, just do what you think is best." Luna starts to walk away.

"No, what is it?" the creature asks.

"This." Cole raises the gun again and fires at it's head without a second thought. Luna pauses in her stride on hearing the gunshot, but doesn't turn around. Just standing there. Disappointed. The creature goes quiet and stares up. It never got to see the sun or the moon, just an empty sky. "I'll miss you, chatterbox." Cole sighs, "You'll have all of eternity to explore and ask questions." Cole holsters his Colt and starts walking back.

"I wanted to answer its questions.." Luna mutters lightly before heading back.