December 8, 2022

Harmonia is pacing around the forest, waiting for Spider

They appear next to Harmonia.

Harmonia turns, still in demon form. "Sup! You ready?" She asks, grinning

"Well, you certainly look different, and yeah.” Spider seems kind of distracted, their ears twitching and occasionally swiveling as they track sounds.

"Yeah. Happens when you die again I guess." Harmonia shrugs and starts walking around to find a staircase or door to gluttony. "So uh... what've you been up to?"

Spider follows her. "Quite a bit, explored a few dromen domains and the moon's tomorrow.” They go quiet for a while, debating something before shrugging. "Got servantized or whatever it's called nowadays as well, and you?"

"Ah. Sounds unfun. Who got you servantized?" Harmonia asks, looking back at her.

“Now there's the fun part, it's Sidriel.” Spider says sarcastically.

Harmonia looks confused. "Sidriel? Whos that?"

“Right, sorry it's Sondar.” Spider says.

"Ah, gotcha. Her name’s Sidriel?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. What about you? Been up to anything?" Spider asks.

Harmonia shrugs. "Besides Azriel attempting to murder me than actually getting murdered, not much."

“And how have you been? Cause it's been ages since we last properly hung out.” Spider asks.

"Been okay" She shrugs. "Just chilling mainly.”

They sigh. "Good, so do you reckon we're actually gonna find anything?"

Harmonia shrugs. "I sure hope so."

They soon come across a door! It's colored a dull green with some neon highlights.

Harmonia tilts her head and approaches it. "Think this is it?"

“God knows, only one way to find out though.” Spider walks up to the door and shrugs, reaching out to open it.

Harmonia watches.

It swings open, leading into the back of a Spencer's.
