Molech ends up on the road of the Drake Thru. There's a city to one side of the road and a forest on the other. It's no longer raining. He begins walking towards the forest.

Along the road is a wooden sign, "Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail, Great Smoky Mountains National Park. More than 270 miles of road"

He begins walking down the road again. Along the way, there's what looks like a car parked on the side of the road. Molech walks up and examines the car carefully.

All of the doors are slightly open, there's a scent of fast food. There's mustard covered footprints heading into the woods. In the drivers seat is a small horse shoe keychain, it feels lucky. He contains the keychain in a small baggy and goes to examine the footprints and follow them. Along the way is what looks like a trail of gold paint the footsteps seemed to be following, it's dried though. He follows the trail of gold paint. He can hear movement ahead.

Molech looks up. There's a group of four Mascots searching the area. The trail of gold paint stops at a tree. The tips of the fingers on the nullsuit begin to glow as Molech approaches. One of the Mascots looks over and has a needle in their hand. Molech stares back at it, the fingers of the nullsuits beginning to spark jade green electricity.

The Mascot goes to sprint at him, raising the needle it's holding as the others turn to look. Molech puts his hands up, attempting to shock the Mascot and temporarily stun it. The Mascot freezes up as its stunned and the other 3 mascots run towards them. He does the same to them! One aims to stab a needle at Molech's neck, another aims a needle for his side and the last one is just running. He kicks one of them and tries shocking the other. The Mascot kicked falls over and the other is stunned. The first one to be stunned runs at him. The last one who was running just runs past them.

He takes the needles and examines them. The needles seem to be electronic. A Mascot tries to kick Molech. He shocks the mascot again, this time harder. He collects the needles in small containers. He gets 4 needles total. Before he puts the last one away, he decides to stab a mascot with it. The Mascot yelps and tries to back away before slowly going limp and staring ahead. He takes a photo. One is stunned still and the other tries to stab at his foot. It dinks off the nullsuit as Molech kicks the Mascot, stabbing it as well. The needle that dinked off shatters with some sparks, the Mascot slowly goes limp and stares ahead like the other. The stunned one is getting up. Molech stares at the stunned one, readying the needle. It runs at him trying to tackle him. It manages, but he stabs it in the torso as it does. The last Mascot goes limp like the others.

He places nets on them and they appear in a containment cell across from the regular mascots. Molech continues walking. Wild wolves howl in the distance.

He holds his grip on the needle, going over to some of the gold paint and taking a small sample of it. He places the needle in a container and in his thighpack. He then clips through the floor.