August 29, 2022

Nicole is still sitting by a tree in thought. Cole walks over to her with a smile and a generally cheery tone "Heyyy! You've been thinkin’ I see! Whatcha thinkin’ about?" He crouches down next to Nicky.

"Oh hey...hmm well not sure what I’m doing really. Why are you so happy?" she says.

"Ohh just came out here to talk about a idea I just had! You wanna hear it?" He asks then sits down still holding a smile.

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"You know how you have that horrible cult? That cult that kills people for no reason?" Cole puts emphasis on the words ‘horrible’ and ‘kills’.

She furrows her brow "What now?"

"Ohhh you don't remember! So you have control over a cult that is killing innocent people for no reason! Isn't that awful? Don't you want it off your hands?"

"Wh-why do I even have that?!? Are you sure that's mine?" She sits up a bit more with some concern.

"Exactly! You don't want it right? You wouldn't want something so horrible to be on your hands, right?" For a brief second Nicole can see a black smoke chain appear in Cole's hand.

She blinks some, unsure of what she saw "Uh- of course not"

"So why not give it to me? So I can properly dispose it! You would trust me with disposing of it right?"

"I mean…" she pauses as she thinks a moment "Well I have known you for awhile..."

"Exactly! You know me! So why wouldn't you trust me with this?"

She nods "Yeah, get rid of it- uh I assume you know how to get rid of it?"

Cole nods quickly "Of course I do! I know exactly how to do it!" For a brief second, Nicole can see a black smoke chain appear in Cole's hand as the chain moves towards her wrists.

She blinks again now looking where she saw it "What was that?"

"What was what? Are you feeling alright?"

"I thought I saw something." She shakes her head "Maybe been out in these woods a bit too long"

"Yeah, I don't think being in these woods for a long time is a good idea. Anyways you’re giving the cult to me to dispose of it because you trust me right?"

'Uh yeah." She nods.

"Good! I'm glad you trust me so much!" For a brief second Nicole can see a black smoke chain appear in Cole's hand as it wraps around Nicky's wrists.

She looks down at her wrists a moment "Yeah that's great"

"Something wrong?" Cole's head tilts as he looks at Nicole

"I felt something that time?" She scratches her wrist some.

"I'm sure it was nothing, you wanna head back to the house now? Maybe sleep in a bed?"

She nods "Yeah, maybe it will help"

Cole stands up and starts to walk back to the house, Nicole feels inclined to follow. She quickly gets up and follows as to not be left behind. They walk through the forest and into Harmonia’s house. Nicole feels inclined to enter.


Luna's just playing video games. Mario Kart Wii Custom Tracks online. There's a second controller available. Cole walks inside with a big smile on his face. She looks up from her game. "Uhhh what's gotten you so happy?" She asks with her head tilted.

Nicole walks in behind him as she glances around at the room.

"..." Luna’s eyes widen at who just entered the house.

"Well I brought a new friend to the house to get them out of the forest." For a brief second, Luna can see a black smoke chain in Cole's hand that is wrapped around Nicole's wrists.


{- One year later, and she's back to haunt us. -}

"Uhhh right." She turns to Nicky, trying to play along. Seems Cole has this under control... or at least Nicky under his control. "Uh hi... I'm Luna, nice to meet you." She's shaking a little.

"I’m Nicole, nice to meet you too." She nods.


{- Gods damnit. -}

Cole starts laughing.

"And right on cue." She facepalms.

A dancing lizard that was with Nicole in the woods earlier waddles into the house with a confused expression. It starts whipping and nae naeing to set the tone.

"What's so funny?" Nicky asks, confused.

Cole keeps laughing

Luna points to the lizard doing the funny. "It's that obviously! Look at it go!" The lizard starts doing the Hat Kid dance from A Hat In Time. Its name is Reginald. Nicole steps to the side and looks over at the lizard and her jaw drops some.

"Yeah! Cole just finds dancing lizards funny as hell!" She looks directly at Cole, staring at him. "Right, Cole?"

Nicole starts to giggle some. Cole's eyes glow pink as he keeps laughing and nodding as his eyes switch back to hazel.

"Told you." Luna turns back to Nicole. "Mind if I call ya Nicky? You look like a Nicky to me." She smiles warmly.

She looks over at Luna "Uh yeah sure?"

"Cool." And now to fix Cole. She presses his temples for a minute while he restarts. "Whenever he gets like this, we have to restart him." Cole collapses as his eyes shut "He'll be okay, just needs a minute or so."

Cole stands back up as his eyes open a minute later. "Thank you." He turns to look at Nicky. "Why don't we go talk in the other room?"

"Also uhh check the group chat in a moment." Luna suggests.

Nicky looks a bit concerned for Cole’s health as she nods. Cole says, "Uhh sure sure." Cole walks to the kitchen, Nicky follows due to the black smoke chain making her inclined to.


LUNA: Cole what the hell is the rat doing here???

COLE: some would say i have Nicky on a short leash

LUNA: So that's what the black chain was? Oh my Nammu, what the heck.

COLE: it's fine

LUNA: Anyway, so she's here to stay then?

COLE: maybe

LUNA: Sure hope it goes better than the last time we have her over. Fuckin tormenting Harmonia over the bit of goop in her room. For what it's worth, I trust your judgment and will try to get along with Nicky. Not gonna lie, I'm really uncomfortable with this prospect.

SPIDER: you know Sparrows gonna flip when she finds out right?

LUNA: the fact that we haven't flipped out yet despite everything that happened a year ago

LUNA: Not to mention I highly doubt Harmonia wants her here.


Luna facepalms but will try to get along with Nicole. Not like she's in control ya know? Cole walks into the kitchen and stands near the back door with a slightly angry expression as his eyes shift to pink

She walks in calmly. "What’s up?"

"So you know that laughing fit I just had? That was because of your name, you wouldn't want that to happen again, right? You wouldn't want the person you trust suffering because of a simple thing, right?"

"Is Nicole really that funny?"

Cole starts laughing as his eyes glow pink.

Luna, overhearing the crazed laughter coming from the kitchen while simultaneously missing the soundproofing, fuck you Moon, asks Cole a question in his telepathy channel. {"Would you like another reset?"} She tilts her head. Luna enters once more and once again presses his temples for a minute to restart Cole. "Sorry Nicky."

Cole collapses and stands back up as he groans, his eyes still glowing pink "Thank you. Now could you uh leave I need to correct this behavior."

Luna rolls her eyes. "I'm sure you got this under control." She then exits grumbling. Nicky watches a bit confused

"Now you wanna change your name, right?" Cole moves his hand like pulling on something as Nicky feels inclined to agree.

"Uhh yeah, I mean this feels like a new situation why wouldnt I?"

"Exactly! Why not something liiiiiikkeeeee Nicky! That sounds good doesn't it?"

She smiles some "Yeah that sounds good, I mean Luna was already calling me that. Why not?"

"Good! That is your name now and I expect you to use it. Good talk Nicky." Cole walks out of the kitchen and back to the living room, Nicky feels inclined to follow and does.


Cole walks in and sits next to the couch "All dealt with." Nicky is close behind as she stands somewhat near him.

"That's good?" Luna turns to Nicky to try and make small talk. "So uhh how's life treating ya Nicky?"

"Well its life, not really sure what I’m doing but I’m here" She shrugs.

Luna nods with a smile. "Same here. Aside from protecting and archiving the Worlds, I'm happiest just being here. With everyone else." And she returns to getting her shit destroyed by a horde of Funky Kongs riding Flame Wheelers. It's pain, but the game is fun. She just wisjes there was a banlist for that specific combination of vehicle.

Spider appears and sits down on the sofa. Isaac wakes up from a nap with a yawn.

"Hey." She glances over at him before returning to just staring at the wall.

"Evening, Isaac." Cole looks over at Isaac with a smile.

"Eveni-" he pauses and glares between Cole and Nicky.

"What?" Cole looks at Isaac and Nicky.

"Why is she standing so close?" Isaac asks.

Cole shrugs and turns to Nicky. "I dunno, why don't you explain it? Nicky?"

"Should I not? I didnt know I couldnt do that" Nicky takes a few steps away from cole

"Um... I mean you're your own person. You can stand or sit anywhere you choose Nicky."

"Just sit where ever you want. I don't care and I doubt anyone else will."

Spider zones back in. "So would someone like to tell me why she's here?"

"Cole brought her home, apparently to give her a place to stay?" Luna explains then tilts her head in confusion.

Isaac glares at Nicky some more.

“Yeah because that went so well last time.” Spider snarks.

“She wouldn’t do anything like that, right?” Cole looks over at Nicky as he speaks.

Nicky stutters some "I-i mean I don’t want to, why would I?"

Isaac moves from where he is and leans on the wall between Cole and Nicky.

"Exactly. You wouldn't want to do anything bad because you would feel bad, right?"

Luna grimaces but transforms it into an awkward smile.

"Cole seriously, is having her here really a good idea? Cause there's people besides yourself that you need to consider in this." Spider adds.

"Eh, if it becomes a issue then I'll just put them in the abandoned house next door." Cole responds.

"...I have a bad feeling about this." Luna sighs.

"Yeah except I'd rather not have Sparrow go through all this."

"Where is Sparrow anyways?" Cole wonders.

Nicky is just watching the conversation a bit confused.

"Guest bedroom last I saw her." Spider replies.

"I see, again if it's a issue I can just take them to the house next door"

"Yeah but that's not the point, the point is that just seeing Nicky is probably gonna mess with her, and I’d rather that not happen."

"Spider, let's just try it for now. Who knows, maybe Nicky's awesome now?" Luna shrugs.

"Spider, they are poppy chipped and I have them on a short leash, they aren't going to do anything."

"So if I brought the moon in similarly restrained, you're telling me it wouldn't affect you?"

"I’m what?" Nicky asks Cole.

"...You really fuckin think you could restrain The Moon? but yeah it wouldn't because I fucking trust that you have it controlled."

“It's hypothetical you div, and fine I'm not that happy about this but do whatever." Spider shrugs.

"Also uhhhh don't worry about it. Everything is fine Nicky."

Krystal, {- Oh god what the fuck Cole. -}

Cole, ("hm? what did i do now?")

Krystal, {- A leash??? -}

"What do you mean I’m poppy chipped?" Nicky looks over at Cole.

Krystal, {- Have fun with that. -}

Cole looks over at Nicky. "We can talk about that tomorrow, why don't you go down to the basement and rest? You've been in those woods for a while."

"Alright...uhhh where is that?" Nicky asks.

"Go through the hallway, into the kitchen. There's a door in there that leads into the basement where there's a couple beds."

"Ok." She nods and walks out.

Cole sighs in relief as he mutters "Need to remember not to mention that to her."

"...yeah. Or the short leash. She probably doesn't wanna know about that funny detail." Luna mentions.

"Yeah probably not."

"Anyway, why. Why are we doing this? Is this for the cult or something?"

"Yeah, basically."

Luna just goes silent. Cole shrugs.

"Why am I not surprised." Spider sighs.

" all of this is to take control of the Dra-- I can't even call it the Drake Thru anymore can I? Drake is gone, only Nicky now." She complains.

"Well as soon as I get the cult, she will have ran out of usefulness and I will simply toss them back into the forest"

Luna sighs. "Right."

Spider just disappears.

"Anyway, I guess I'm making Claire french toast... so uhhh yeah, lemme do that." Luna disappears.

Cole shrugs and stands next to Isaac. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty well" He responds.

"That's good, I'm glad you slept pretty good."

"So uhhh know what I’m not part of that. I’m not going to say anything."

"No, no I value your opinion, what is it?" Cole offers.

"I don’t like the idea of you owning a cult."

"Why not? What's your issue with it?"

"I just don’t think cults can be good at all..." Isaac looks down some in worry.

"Trust me, I'm gonna dispose of it"

"If you say so." he seems a hint sad

"What's wrong? Do you really not like cults that much?"

"Not at all" Isaac shakes his head

"Then what's wrong?"

"No I meant I don’t like them at all"

“....Right.” Cole shakes his head and looks to the floor. His eyes are a tinge purple and looks conflicted.

Luna reenters with the scent of maple syrup and french toast wafting in the air. Isaac sighs and stays quiet.

Cole lifts his head back up. "It's fine, it's fine, I'll dispose of the cult as soon as I get control over it."

"And that's why I'm worried. The idea of you even having a cult in the first place, even if you dispose of it. And besides, that was Drake's." Luna says, with genuine worry in her voice.

"And Drake isn't here now are they? The now pacified rat has control over it, so what would you rather have me or fuckin Nicky?"

"..." Luna goes silent. "Not like what I say matters, so why should I respond?" Luna shrugs then disappears.

Cole rolls his eyes as he mutters "Never understood my methods anyways."


In a flash of purple distortion, Claire appears in one of the chairs. She's wearing a black dress with a hood, reminiscent of a nun's outfit though not quite. It has orange accents and an ochre, decorative belt around the waist. There's a crown of orange azaleas over the hood. Her nose is bleeding slightly as the purple distortion crackles away. Luna appears and begins making the french toast as per instructions she found on google. Thankfully everything needed to make it is in the kitchen.

"Just give me a few minutes and you'll have some french toas-- uhhh what happened to you?" She says, looking at Claire's new look. Kinda cool, but also wow.

"It's an outfit I made myself, I think it looks nice." She smiles. Her teeth appear to be somewhat sharper, and her hair looks shinier. Her skin also looks more pale, deep red lipstick and makeup around the eyes.

"I agree, though uh here" She hands Claire one of the clean handkerchiefs in her pocket. "You uhh have a little something on your nose." And back to frenching the toast.

"Oh! Thank you, Luna," Claire nods, taking the handkerchief. Claire's fingers look slightly longer, though it may just be her newly-done nails. Deep crimson stilettos with white crosses. She wipes her nose, cleaning the blood.

"Not gonna lie, you look like you're living your best life. Also amazing outfit, like daaaaaaamn." She continues toasting the french.

"Thank you!"

"Of course!" And with that, and some dusting of cinnamon and sugar with an Emerilesque BAM!, the french toast is done! A decent sized stack of it is placed on a plate alongside a bottle of maple syrup, then she places it in front of Claire."Here ya go Claire, enjoy your meal." She serves herself some too, mostly cuz hungry.

"Thank you so much," she smiles, beginning to eat. Luna nods and noms. After finishing her meal and washing the pans and bowls, she chills in the kitchen a little longer. Claire eats maybe half of the french toast slices, picking up the plate with the rest before her eyes go glossy.

She soon disappears in a crack of distortion, causing the area within maybe 2 or 3 feet of where she was standing to have a very slight purple tint burned into it. It'll fade over time. Hopefully.