Below, Eerine can faintly see what looks like water and feels rain in the air as she falls. She falls into the water and says into her microphone, "Water found at the bottom of Domain 10, either that or I noclipped into another Domain."

She can see a shore leading into a line of trees. There's a rumble of thunder.

"Land ho!" She begins to swim towards land. She reaches it with no issues. There's a road. "Found a road, gonna start walking." Eerine does just that.

The road either heads to a town one way, or into more trees the other way.

"Fff...." Eerine looks to the town, then to the trees, then back to the town. "I'm gonna check over there first." Eerine begins walking towards the town.

The town is full of fast food establishments and a few cars stopped randomly in the middle of the road. It's oddy quiet, but it seems the power isn't out anywhere, as all the lights are on in the buildings. She walks up to one of the cars. It's dirty white with an unlocked door. Eerine opens the door. And slides in. The seat squishes. She touches the seat with her finger. It leaves behind fresh red blood but no smell.

Eerine takes a picture. "There's blood in the seat." She gets up off the seat and walks up to a fast food establishment. The door is open and there's something spilled on the floor, leading from the kitchen. Eerine walks towards the spill. It smells of grease and there's a few tufts of brown and orange fur in it. She takes a picture, with flash.

"Grease with fur." She tries to step around it and into the kitchen. Before reaching the kitchen, there's the sound of a pan falling onto the floor. Eerine turns to where the sound came from. Around the corner she can see into the kitchen, something with fur steps out of view but didn't seem to see her. Eerine slowly approaches, looking around the kitchen but watching the area where the furred entity was. It's a cartoonish dog-looking character with a smile. It's searching the cabinets. The kitchen has everything a well used kitchen would have. The grease leads from the fryer.

Eerine approaches the figure slowly, the tips of the fingers on the Nullsuit lighting up slightly. The Mascot's ear flicks as it turns to face Eerine. She stares at it. "Hello?"

It stares a moment before taking out a long, thin, black needle from under its bowtie. It starts to walk, a bit aggressively, towards her.

Jade-green arcs of electricity begin crackling on her fingers. "Don't come any closer."

It doesn't stop at her words and proceeds to slip and fall on the cold grease on the ground.

Eerine looks at it and blinks. "Entity found, looks to be a humanoid, yet canid creature with dark fur. Do I detain it, Miss?"

She nods, "Alright."

Eerine shocks the Mascot with the arcs of jade green electricity to stun it before taking something out of a pack on the side of the left thigh on the Nullsuit. It appears to be a fishing net of some sort? She lays it over the Mascot and it wraps around it, before falling into the floor with the Mascot.

"Beam me up, Scotty." She runs into the wall and noclips back into Catacombis.
