October 6, 2022

The distortion is taking over in Bear Delaware. Run.

Olivia Nexports eyes widen as she sees it, running out of the Lovarian Manor with her little legs and going as fast as possible.

It's following. The sky is flashing yellow, black, white, and red. The yellow distortion, reminiscent of Alastor's, is taking over.

Mushroom runs, trying to find an exit. How does she get out without teleporting? She had no idea. Where was Lilith?

Oh. Oh it's closing in on her from all sides. Literally everywhere.

Her eyes widen and she tears up, falling to her knees. She didn't want to die... why was this happening???

The distortion reaches her, climbing up her legs. It feels... warm. As it covers her body, it feels like a warm bath, a tingling sensation rushing through her body. It feels... almost calming.

She doesn't feel fear.

Just warmth.

And then, she's plunged into the cold.
