November 20, 2022

Spider’s in the forest. She's currently sitting near a small campfire, a book In her hands. There’s some slithering, which catches her eye as she looks up, said book disappearing. There's no one around. The acid-like smell of tar starts to fill the air. It's disgusting. Couple of seconds later, there's some fake crying. Mockery.

"Fuck," she gags and gets up no longer breathing as she looks around for the source of the crying

"Oh! Boo hoo! Woe is me! I ruined my entire life and I can't pin the blame on anyone else!" Spider notices the source of the crying from their back. Their skin is white, they look like they're melting slightly, the ends of their hair dripping. "I fed children to the beast, who knew it would fuel it?! And now I can't do anything but watch!"

She tilts her head in curiosity growling softly to herself, "So children? I'm assuming that's metaphorical"

"She's so stupid... thinking she'd get away with this... I'll show her the mistake she made..." The creature starts to laugh. "She thinks she can just come back like that?! I'LL GIVE HER THE BEST FUCKING GIFT A FRIEND CAN GIVE, FUCKING COMMON SENSE!"

They wince their ears flattening against their skull talking more to themselves than the creature now, "Great cause another nutter is all this place needs." The creature looks behind them, trying to see if they can see anything. "That got your attention did it?" She walks up to them slowly.

"And who is this little lamb that just happened to fall on the chopping block?" Their mouth looks like its just cutting their face end-to-end. Strands of... whatever that is uniting the top and bottom of their lips...? If it even has any. They're wearing a half broken mask.

"Lamb?" She scoffs though raises a questioning eyebrow at their mouth. "I should be asking you the same thing"

"I feel like you should answer me. I did ask a question first after all." They get closer. They seem a bit tall, not like high as a tree tall but definitely hits their head on doorways high.

Spider growls at them in warning her ears pricking back up, "You're pulling that card? Fine, it's Spider."

"I swear I've seen you before... You broke into my house with the rest of those pests that took my blood! You're just another leech, aren't you?!" It stares at Spider.

"God no, I mean what would I want with dromen blood?" Spider stares back.

"Ugh... either way, I still need that blood back. And if you're not going to give me it peacefully... lets just say you'll regret it as much as HER." Its voice sounds so fucking gross at the end. She can feel its breath hit her at the end, and even without smelling it directly, its an undeniable horrid scent, almost like battery acid.

Spider growls again deeper this time, more threatening before gagging at the breath "Oh? And who's her when she's at home?"

It laughs. "Nothing less than garbage."

"Cause that clears everything up," Spider snarks.

"Oh, please. Not like you know her name. And even if you do, you'd understand my disgust for Ivy LaFleur."

"Her? Well I don't like her but I wouldn't go that far"

"Do you even know her that well? I doubt it. She'll try, and fail, to lie about her life. I bet she even wanted to kill her sister, the red flags were out there."

"No I don't and I don't wish to, oddly enough I'm not that fond of people who drug me, as for killing her sister? I don't really care"Her ear twitches irritability

"Oh, so she DID do something to you! So you understand my side, yes? Isn't death a good punishment for her?" It smiles.

"Bit late for that mate," Spider shakes her head.

"Oh, no, I know she died already, I'm talking REAL death. Soul destruction. A punishment fit for a killer." It smiles more.

"Fit for a killer? Do I even need to point out the irony in that?"

The smiling stops. "You're not calling me a hypocrite, are you?"

"No, why would I? I mean you're only punishing someone by committing the same crime that they did." Her tone is sarcastic as one of her ears flicks.

"Oh. I see how it is. I get it. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. I'll make you regret saying that. That's not what good friends say. And just when I thought we were becoming friends. I'll teach you how to be a great friend." The creature teleports away. Spider feels as if they're being watched still. She grumbles before glancing around, muttering to herself,

"Well, that's the last time I disregard her advice."