October 15, 2022

The two masks are placed on a table in a padded room with a mirror. A Level 0 member of Catacombis is shoved into the room and closed inside.

"Please place one mask on your face."

The Level 0 picks one up and does so. They feel the urge to curl up and take a nap in front of a campfire or something similar in warmth. They are fighting the urge to lay down and take a nap in the padded room as the person behind the mirror is yelling at them to stay awake. The urge only gets stronger the longer they stay awake. They're leaning on a wall fighting the urge now as the intercom starts blaring loud obnoxious music. The music doesn't matter to them anymore, nothing matters other then curling up and taking a nap. They do so. They fall asleep, curled up in the padded room.

The persons bones crack and shift in their body as they slowly start to become a house cat, all of their memories intact, but no speech.