October 25, 2022

Bunbun appears before taking a seat on the floor and pulling out a computer. She starts watching a movie. It’s either Night of the Lepus or Rise of the Guardians, you chose dear reader.

"Sup Knight." Luna says from the couch, also on her laptop watching youtube

“Hmm? Oh! Yes, I am definitely that person!” Bunbun says unconvincingly while wearing a hot pink jacket with bunnies on it.

"Uhhhhh what. That person?" It's at this point Luna notices all of the feminine looking bunny things she has on. "Oh... you're BunBun right?"

Bunbun gasps! “How could you see through my clever ruse???” Bunbun exclaimed dramatically while giving an equally dramatic pose.

Luna simply raises an eyebrow, "Clever... right. So uh how are ya Bunbun?"

“I’m doing great! I haven’t heard from Miss Blossom recently so I’ve been doing random things, I became a pirate after being harpooned through the chest!” She answers nonchalantly.

"That's erm great Bunbun! I hope Bloss gives you more instructions soon.." {- Oh Gods help. -} Luna says before she gets a notification. She sees that Catacombis uploaded!

"...the moon isn't right again??? We just did this two weeks ago wtf." She comments.

“When has the moon ever been right? It’s always up!” Bunbun says.

"I'd say it's more left than up, but I agree." Luna said before Bunbun got bored and stopped paying attention.

After a few hours go by, Bunbun is watching a compilation of Trix commercials.

“Hehe…silly rabbit, tricks are for kids!” She says before changing the video to a documentary about the history of mythical pirates. She is completely unaware if anyone left or entered the room.

"Who the hell let a fruity version of my grandson in the house?" Cole points at bunbun as she stares at her.

Bunbun gives an even bigger audible gasp than before. “HOW DARE YOU MADAM! I am Bunbun Ursula Bonniebel the Third Esquire! I am better than that twink you call a grandson!” She exclaims before pausing her video.

"I will fucking throttle you if you call my grandson a twink one more time." Cole clenches her fists as her eyes flicker purple.

“His title is literally, and I quote!, ‘Time Walker Nemuru Soul-Sharing Demon Bunny Twink’! Also come on, really? How is he not??” Bunbun exclaims. “Also, between you and me, Nemuru is way better than whatever was before it.”

"It was servant." Luna comments.

“Yeah! Servant is so bland, but Nemuru? Nemuru is where the money is!” Bunbun retorts as she punctuates the last part with a clap.

"I mean, if your gonna call him a twink at least say it to his face." Cole says as she holds in a snicker.

“I have!“ Bunbun says.

"...how.” Cole says, confused.

“Ehhhhh Don’t worry about it doc!” Bunbun answers.

"I'm fucking worrying about it you discount bugs bunny." Cole rolls her eyes

Bunbun gets up before walking over to Cole and staring her right in the eyes. “Don’t worry! Your grandson is perfectly safe!” She then puts her right hand over her heart before saying, “Wood Scouts Honor!”

Cole smiles and with a slight manic tone says, "Is that so?"

“Yeeeesss Ma’am!” Bunbun does a funny little salute to her

".....Your lucky there's a child in the house." Cole mutters as her tone sounds slightly manic

“What child?” Bunbun quickly exclaims. “Since when have there been children here??”

"A chil-- oh you mean Oleander." Luna says.

“Ooooh they have a cool name!” Bunbun was awestruck.

"Do not bother them I swear to god!" Cole yells.

“Why would I? It’s nearly midnight!” Bunbun countered. “It’s rude to bother someone this late!” bun

"Then why don't you go to bed, it's past your bedtime." As Cole says this, she too has not slept in several days and it's starting to show.

“I will if you do!” Bunbun jested.

"I don't need sleep! I need answers!" Cole says exacerbated.

“Answers for what?” Bunbun asks.

"Technology, and nothing can stop me!" Cole declared, But something could definitely stop Cole.

“Hmmm… If you say so! Just know that lack of sleep can cause impaired judgment!” Bunbun then returns to her laptop, going back to watching the pirate myths documentary. Luna then curls up on the couch in her usual purple blanket and falls asleep.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Cole stares at bunbun

“It means exactly what I said! Lack of sleep can cause you to make bad decisions!” Bunbun explains.

"I make perfectly fine decisions! Name one time that I made a bad choice, recently." Cole says while unaware.

"Cheating" Isaac says after putting his music away. Cole goes silent in response to this.

“Damn! Really? That’s…not that interesting. Back to Pirates and the Kraken!” Bunbun goes back to watching the video, completely zoning in on it.

"Also get some fucking sleep." Isaac tells Cole.

"....but I'm so close to making the world's smallest communication device." Cole whines.

"Do I need to repeat myself?” Isaac stated.

Cole sighs in response. "..no.”