December 9, 2022




The lights cut off.

Cole stops barking and hides in his box while whimpering quietly "I angered god...."

The TV screen and all of the christmas lights turn green as a sound plays.

Cole's ears perk up as he stares at the TV

It keeps going. The sound never repeats.

Luna wakes up and wishes she hadn't. "What the hell is that horrible racket??" She hops down from the top bunk and tries to turn the TV off.

Kade just looks at the TV, stumped.

The tv cuts off and for a split second there was a red image before all of the lights return to normal and the sound stops.

".....has it stopped yet" Cole asks from inside his cardboard box.

"The hell was that red thing?" She turns to Cole. "Yeah, it's done. Thank the Gods."

"It's stuck in my heaaad" Cole whines as he ducks back down into his box.

"Wait what?" Luna asks confused.

"It's stuck in my head like that one Lady Gaga song."

"What Lady Gaga song.." Kade asks.

"Bad Romance?" Luna wonders.

"Yeah that one." Cole peeks his head out of the box and nods.

"Oof that sucks. Hopefully nothing bad happens because of it. Really annoying sound." She sighs and returns to the top bunk.

The lights flicker, which causes Luna to facepalm. "Oh for fucks sake, why do I jinx it?"

Cole stares at the lights "the moon....."

"What??" Kade looks up at the lights.

"The... moon? It's not a full moon right now though?" Luna looks at the lights as well.

Cole cackles and stops looking at the lights "God that's too funny."

Luna rolls her eyes. "Of course."

"What." says Kade.

"I only have to mutter two fuckin’ words and everyone looks at where I'm looking." Cole continues to cackle.

"Because we know very very well that in our Worlds, the moon isn't right. And someone simply muttering 'the moon' will get people to notice." Luna explains with a grumble.

"I'm just a humble dogboy who likes the moon frankly, and is gullible."

"Hey Kade..” Cole stares at Kade.

The lights cut off once more.

"Yes?" He stares back. "Oh."

Cole mimics Michael Jackson, "he heeee"

"Oh boy, round 2?" Luna groans

The lights all turn green. The tv turns green as well and continues the sound. Cole hears the engine running.

Luna's ears flatten and she defocuses.

Cole's ears perk up and looks around.

The engine sound continues but he cant place where. It sounds like it’s in the room.

Kade stares at Cole from the hee hee but looks at the tv again as it turns green.

Cole looking around the room frantically.

"Cole? What's gotten you so excited?" Luna asks.

In everyone’s vision is a sudden spinning red image at the center of their sight thats mostly transparent.

"The hell is that??? Why is it spinning?" she stares at it.

Cole stares at it.

Kade sits there, confused "Whuh?"

Luna tries to figure out what the spinning image is of. Unfortunately, it is not familiar to her. No one can make it out and the sound continues. There's a growing feeling of good luck.
"A divulgar?" she mutters and closes her eyes.

The image is still there and the white opal sword hums.

Luna snaps her weapons to her side, including the pink ichor claymore.

Cole stays in his box, chillin

The ichor blade begins humming. The good luck feeling is growing more. A green arm stretches out from the screen covered in the same substance as the screen itself. It moves along with the sound, making quick but spaced out movements.

Cole stares at the arm "scritches?"

Luna opens her eyes and notices the creature and how her and Cole's blades are reacting to it.

The arm falls on the ground as it glows like the screen. Each time the tone shifts, more segments of the arm fall out of the screen and begin coiling on the ground like yarn.

"What. The fuck???" Kade gasps

Cole watches and has no idea what to do "he heeee"

"You're not HELPING!" Kade complains.

Luna just pauses unsure what to do. The sound is driving her nuts, her vision is slightly impaired, and now there's a divulgar in the house. It's a little much to take in. Overwhelming even.

Cole chuckles, "but it's funny!"

The opal sword and ichor blade are both humming to a concerning degree as if they might shatter.

"Shit." Luna hops down from the top bunk and after taking a deep breath, she aims a stab at the arm with the ichor blade, hoping defeating this enemy may stop the humming.

Cole unsheathes his sword and aims a slice at the arm

Suddenly everything is normal: swords, sights, sounds, feelings, all of it. But the TV is stil on with a red image on it.

Cole stares at it as he sheathes his sword "demons....."

"Hoo fucks sake, that was close." she resheathes her sword.

{- Metatron's Cube? -}


{- Google lens gave me that for the image. -}
"Okay, so why is that image still there? Huh. Okay, either that's Metatron's Cube or a summoning circ-- star."

Kade's just. Staring.

Luna isn't staring at it. It seems like a really bad idea to her.

Its still and does nothing.

Luna takes a deep breath and goes to touch the shape on the TV. Maybe it's a portal. But nothing happens. She turns the TV off which also removes the red shape. Then she hops back up to the top bunk to document everything that just happened.