July 29, 2022

The window is SLAMMED OPEN as a red mist begins to pour into Harmonia’s room while she relaxes.

Harmonia groans, stirring from her nap. "HELLO??????" She yells, sitting up and looking over.

Outside appears to be coated in fog, and the window begins to close as the mist forms into Azzie. "Hello there, little one~"

Harmonia glares at him, looking at the closet as well. "What do you want, tiny dick man?"

"I'd like to talk over a few things~ Specifically those~" He points to her horns.

Harmonia narrows her eyes, grabbing her horns protectively. "What about them?"

Azriel chuckles. "The fact that you have those says something about you~ There's something in there that can be unlocked, Harmonia~"

She stands up and continues glaring. "You're a fucking creep, y’know that???"

"I'm talking about power, little one~" Azriel offers his hand to Harmonia.

She just stares at him. "I'm not touching your greasy ass-"

Azriel smiles, "Alright then." He puts his hand down and looks at Harmonia's phone. "Look at your phone, Harmonia~"

She glares but takes out her phone, looking at it.

"Turn it on~"

She does so.

"Now, imagine something while staring directly at the screen~ It can be anything~"

She imagines an orange, for fun.

The screen begins glitching out, and then shows the exact image Harmonia's imagining. "Excellent!"

Harmonia’s eyes widen and she drops her phone. "What the fuck??? How did you do that??"

"You did it, little one~" Azriel smiles, clapping.

"How?" She asks, her breathing quickening.

"Due to the teensy piece of Violence within you, you have some abilities~ I am going to help you learn them~"

"Why?? What do you get out of it??" Harmonia asks, raising an eyebrow and taking a step back from him.

"I need something to do~" Azriel smiles, taking a step to the side to look at the sleeping Claire.

"Don't look at her." She snarls, taking a step between him and Claire.

Azriel chuckles to himself. "Alright, alright, no need to be so feisty, little one~"

"FEISTY? I HATE MEN???" She stares at him like she wants to tear his soul out.

Azriel chuckles to himself. "Noted~"

Harmonia blinks at him in indignation. "NOTED?!?!?"

"Hehehe~ Do you have any questions, or should I be off?"

"W-well- arent you gonna show me more of what I can do??" She asks, clearly intrigued

"Do you remember the red vines?"

Harmonia nods.

"Imagine them growing out of..." Azriel turns to look at the wall, and points, "That wall right there~"

She looks at the wall and focuses, imagining the vines growing out of it.

Black, thorny vines with black roses attached begin seeping out of the drywall.

Harmonia jumps, eyes widening. “Can I get rid of it or do I have to manually clean it up? What are my limits with technology? Can I only project images?” Harmonia asks, letting her distaste for the demon fall to the side as she learns more about herself.

"You can control them completely. If you wish for them to disappear, they will~ And, as for the technopathy, yes it's mostly distortion of media~"

Harmonia nods and focuses, trying to make the vines go away. “So I wouldn't be able to like, access my phone with my mind?”

They vanish. "You could! But it wouldn't be in the way Claire or Cole does so~ You would have to keep the image of your phone clear in your head and imagine typing the words and clicking send~"

“Damn, I see. So not much different then having my phone. So would it basically just be telekinesis? Like, would my phone be moving like I'm typing on it?” Harmonia asks, just completely curious now.

"Not necessarily. Just, the stuff would show up on the screen~" Azriel says.

“So like my phone would be on and the screen would look like I was typing on it?” Harmonia asks.


“I see, thanks. Is there anything else I can do?” Harmonia asks, tilting her head.

He thinks a moment. "Move your hand through the air slowly, and focus your mind on it, like this~" Azriel moves his hand through the air, keeping an open palm, the fingers only moving slightly.

“Okay,,” She mimics him, focusing as well.

"Now upwards~" Azriel moves his hand up. The room begins to feel slightly muggy.

She does it!

"Follow my lead~" Downwards again, then diagonally down-left

She follows.

A cold fog fills the room, emitting from Harmonia's body. It appears a very light grey-blue, and it's undoubtedly thick.

Harmonia looks confused. “Fog? Like those demons we fought once?”

"Mhm. It can be used as both an intimidation tactic and a way to hide from potential foes~" Azriel replies.

Harmonia grins, nodding. “Banger. How do I stop it? Does it deplete my energy?”

"It doesn't do anything to your energy~ And, you stop it by just imagining it gone, easy enough, right?" Azriel smiles back.

She nods and imagines the fog disappears. "What else?"

"That's all I can think of for now, little one~" Azriel puts his hands together. "Is that all, or should I be off?"

Harmonia pauses, trying to think. "Why were you in the woods last night?"

"I love a good show~ And those two, Mary and Cody? They provided~"

"True. Did you and Nicole talk after I left?"

"A little bit. Just some business things~ No need to fret~"

"Did the business things have anything to do with me? How did you know how I was anyways?"

"It had nothing to do with you, no~ Everyone in Violence knows of you~"

Harmonia’s face heats up a bit. "Really?? Why?"

"You're quite famous, as one of the Dutchesses of Violence~ That is what those horns signify, after all~" Azriel says.

She touches them, surprised. "Dutchess?? W-what? Why would Abaddon make me a dutchess?"

"I'm not sure~ She's always been able to see power in those below him~"

Harmonia pauses. Was it some sick joke? A present for being afraid? Like a ‘good, you obeyed me, here's an ounce of power’ type thing? What was Abaddon playing at?

"I don't understand- why would it give me power when I'm fighting against it?"

"I'm not one to question her ways~" Azriel smiles, tilting his head.

"What are you? What do your horns signify?"

"I am one of the Violence Princes of Devils, or, a term you're more familiar with, a Violence fledgling~" Azriel chuckles, "One difference from us to Metamorphosis is that our fledglings are worshiped, trained to be Princes from a young age~ We're often regarded as apprentices to our Princes~ And, there's multiple of us at once, isn't that wonderful?"

Harmonia’s eyes widen. That was. very not wonderful. "S-so even if something happened to Abaddon, someone would just take her place..." Harmonia says breathlessly, hopelessness clawing its way back into her heart.

"No need to worry your pretty little head, my lamb~ If you manage to kill Abaddon, I'm nearly certain Lucifer would leave it alone for at least another thousand years~" Azriel puts a hand on Harmonia's cheek gently, smiling.

Harmonia flinches, attempting to grab Azriel's wrist. "Leave what alone? My world?"

Azzie lets her grab his wrist. "Your Veil. They'd restart training, they'd restart everything if they failed~"

"Whats their goal? What's the point of all this??" Harmonia asks, staring at Azzie and trying to mask the fear she felt.

"Their goal is to rival the Moon in power, be as powerful as He is," Azriel chuckles, gently looking to his wrist, still in Harmonia's hand and nodding as if to say 'please let go, little one~', "I doubt that could ever happen, though~ They are harmless as rabbits to Him~ He could stomp all over them oh so easily~ Squish, squash! Crick crack!" Azriel smiles grimly, thinking of Abaddon being torn to shreds by his God.

Harmonia lets go. "I see... um... I kept having a hallucination after I went to Abaddon... of like... Kalius but a shadow? Do you know what that was?"

"Hm... troubling. I'm unsure of what that could be."

"Alright... so there's nothing else you want to tell me?"

"Unless you have anything else to ask me, that's all I've got~" Azriel says.

"How many other Violence princes are there?"

"Just me. Some other layers have more~"

"Which ones?" Harmonia asks.

"Lust, Heresy. One of them lived in this house for a little bit~"

"Asphodel??" Harmonia asks, eyes widening.

"Yes, her~ She's quite the fun one, isn't she?~"

"She beat the absolute shit out of me but yeah." Harmonia shrugs.

"Mm, it was a tournament, I watched~"

Her face flushes red. "You did?"

"Mhm~ It was an unexpected result, but understandable due to both of your rankings in the hierarchy~" Azriel replies.

"A-ah-" She nods. "I think that's all? Thank you-"

"Of course~ I'll be returning soon~" Azriel fades into a red mist that soon dissipates.

Harmonia watches it leave and then checks on Claire before sitting back on the bed.